One-Stop School Corner

One-Stop School Corner

The projectOne-Stop School Corneris our biggest project to date. We are trying to merge a School supplies store with a Daycare station into one building where parents won’t have to worry about where to get School supplies or where to find a Daycare for their children.

We understand that most parents that are both working in the household would have no time for their kids except at night hour. Most of them will send their children to a daycare center. But what are the differences between our Daycare from others? Good question.

See, the most daycare center is limited to what they can offer. But not with One-stop School Corner. We will provide the best care for the parentschildren and make sure their child will have a good time staying at One-stop School Corner for a whole day. We will be providing comfort, fun, food, education, and many more.

Not only that, but we will also have a tuition class that will be taught by certified teachers on the top floor. While the first floor is where parents can shop for their children’s school supplies.

First Floor

School Supplies store. All the school supplies such as School Uniform, Accessories, Stationery and more in one place.

Second Floor

Daycare Area will have a Play Zone (inspired by KidZania), Reading Zone, and canteen. The place where kids spend their free time having fun, and bonding with new friends until their parents come and pick them up. Monitored by experienced and friendly staff.

Third Floor

Tuition Class floor. We also offer tutoring classes for children after school. All classes and subjects will be taught by certified and experienced teachers.

More Information will be update soon.